Nano Gas Acupuncture Technology

Pain Relief System

Imagine immediate pain relief to the point you aim at with our new fascia release device, any where, even on bony surface, joints, and vertebrae.

Isn’t It What You Long For

Diagnose At Your Favorite Clinic By PROFESSIONALS,
Managing Pain With Ease At Home, Office, or Gym, Game Field With an Ultraportable Device.

About Us

Our Beliefs

There can be a better way to eliminate pain without pills.

Anti-inflammatory medicines can be harmful to kidney impaired patients, and sometimes cause allergy or peptic ulcer.
Steroids are well known for many local and systemic adverse effects.
Narcotics can lead to drug dependence or respiratory depression.

Some pain relieving methods such as Acupuncture, Cupping, Guasha, Massage, Percussion Therapy with Fascia Gun such as Hyperice, Theragun etc. might sometimes cause injury if not applied correctively.

Therefore, a device and method as powerful as medication, but without all the side effects, and can be applied to body parts that the above devices cannot safely used, is mandatory.

What’s The Secrets Behind It?

Extracorporeal Shockwave ready at hand

A meticulously adjusted safe amount of energized gas applied at specific trigger points and tender points, through specialized designed nozzles to deliver gentle yet effective shockwaves, immediate fascia release, and pain elimination can be achieved, and more importantly, to reveal the underlying pathologic region after obvious pain focus relieved, after that, the true problematic region can be identified more quickly, as compared with all previously known treatment courses, and then treated properly and efficiently.

Specialist or APP Generated Guidance of Treatments

Active gas ingredients can be applied at medical facilities by professionals, and specialists, to deliver problem-specific gas to the diagnosed site of interest, achieve fast pain relief, and give invaluable instruction on home treatment by users themselves.

Easy Application at Home, Whenever Needed

By application with a site-specific blend of natural essential oils, the portable device with disease-specific composite gas ingredients can be used by users at home, office, gym, or game fields, combined with shockwave it generates and delivers the all-natural essential oil blends into the deeper fascial region, provides additive self-managing pain control.


What People Say

My shoulder blade region tightness during office time can be immediately relieved by ACHEOFF device, and then I can give more energy to accomplish my work

Jane Doe

I have left side tennis elbow developed after COVID-19 vaccine injection for 2 months, physical therapy nor anti-inflammatory medicine can produce long standing pain relief. Since I used portable ACHEOFF device with special tennis elbow blend of essential oils, the pain went away day by day, and I can endure my daily activities without further ACHEOFF application 1 week after.

John Doe


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3F, No.22, Aiguo E.Rd., Taipei City, Taiwan

  • CEO, CK Liaw
  • COO, SC Lee
  • CTO, Alan Huang